College of Forestry

Oral Presentation Guidelines

  • You are allotted 10-12 minutes for an oral presentation, with 3-5 minutes for questions from the audience. We have additionally alotted 3-5 minutes to transition between each presentation.
  • Each session will have a session coordinator who will hold up cards at the 5-minute mark and last-minute mark to help you stay on time. 
  • The suggested format for presentations includes: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Students may present preliminary results or proposed research if they do not have results yet. 
  • Presentations should be targeted towards a broad audience from diverse backgrounds. The audience will be composed of individuals from specialties outside of your own.
  • Presenters will be contacted before the day of the event with further instructions on the assigned time and room for their presentation.
  • We highly recommend watching this presentation by Dr. Jim Rivers (FES) on crafting an effective scientific talk.

Please contact us with presentation questions.