In order to present a poster or give an oral presentation at the symposium, you must submit an abstract by Friday March 10th 2023.
Below are guidelines for submitting your abstract. As you may present either proposed research or research results, we have included guidelines for each. Please note that, generally, proposed research is presented in poster form, whereas research results are presented orally. However, we are happy to accomodate students who would like to deviate from this and encourage you to contact us with any questions.
If you are submitting an abstract for PROPOSED RESEARCH, we suggest including the following in your abstract:
- Background: a brief statement of the study’s objectives
- Question(s) and hypotheses
- Methods: a concise statement of methods
- Interpretation: a description of the scope of inference
- Importance: a brief statement of how your research will contribute to your field
Please note that poster or oral presentations on proposed research do not need to include results or conclusion sections.
If you are submitting an abstract for RESEARCH RESULTS, we suggest including the following in your abstract:
- Background: a brief statement of study’s objectives
- Methods: a concise statement of methods
- Results: a clear presentation of results which should be “data rich”
- Conclusions: a closing statement of conclusions (Do not state “Results will be discussed.”)
ALL ABSTRACTS should follow the guidelines below:
- Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words.
- In addition to the title of your presentation/poster, you should include your name, major advisor(s), and co-authors. For each person, be sure to include their academic institution and department/program.
- Type your abstract as a single textblock (indents and line breaks may be removed).
- Use title case for the title of the poster or presentation.
- Include author information in the uploaded abstract document.
- Citations are not allowed within the abstract text and will be removed.
- Work must be proofread carefully before submission. Abstracts that show lack of care or quality control as evidenced by grammar, punctuation, spelling, and typographical errors may be returned requesting revision. WFGRS organizers will not edit abstracts.