We are excited to learn from early-career researchers affiliated with OSU at the annual Confluence* Symposium!
Registration to attend is FREE and may be done in advance or in person on the day of the event.
WHEN: Friday, April 11th, 2025
WHERE: Peavy Hall on Oregon State University's Corvallis Campus.
*Confluence was previously named the WFGRS-RAFWE Joint Symposium, standing for Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium - Research Advances in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Ecology.
Detailed schedule & plenary speaker announcement coming soon!
Want to present your research?
Submit your abstract here! Abstracts for research at all stages are welcome. You have three presentation options:
- Oral presentation (12 minutes + 3 minutes Q&A)
- Poster presentation
- Virtual oral presentation
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT ABSTRACTS: Friday, February 28, 2025.
If your abstract is accepted, you will still need to register your attendance!
Virtual oral presentation slots are limited and are intended for those who cannot be in Corvallis to present. The format of virtual presentations (live or pre-recorded with Q&A) will be determined after abstract submissions have closed.
Oral presentations will be scheduled for morning or afternoon blocks and poster presentations will take place during a lunch block. Students who choose this option will have the opportunity to give a formal 12-minute presentation of research results with 3 minutes of Q&A at the end.
Students who choose to present a poster will do so in a 60-minute casual Q&A session allowing interaction with attendees.
Confluence 2025
Come back soon to read about our awesome plenary speaker background!
Talk title coming soon!
What is Confluence?
The annual Confluence Symposium (previously named RAFWE-WFGRS), hosted by Oregon State University’s College of Forestry graduate students, showcases current student research. Since 2023, Confluence has grown into a joint symposium with the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences in the OSU College of Agricultural Sciences.
The symposium promotes academic achievement by challenging students to present their research and receive peer feedback from a diverse student and faculty audience while also providing the opportunity to attend workshops and listen to keynote speakers. The event facilitates engagement, enthusiasm, and collaboration between participants. Topics span ecology, forest management, forest products, human connections and the relationships between these subjects. WFGRS communicates research projects spanning all three departments of OSU’s College of Forestry: Forest Ecosystems & Society, Forest Engineering, Resources & Management, and Wood Science & Engineering.
Want to Attend?
Participation and attendance is free and open to everyone. Register here! Please register before March 11 to help the event organizers adequately prepare.
The one-day symposium is usually held at Richardson/Peavy Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. Students who submit a feedback form for a poster or oral presentation by 5 PM on the day of the symposium will be entered into a prize drawing! Digital registration will open soon. After digital registration closes, you may register in person on the day of the event.
Submit an Abstract
In order to present at the symposium, abstract submissions must be completed online by the end of the day on Friday February 28th 2024.
If you have any questions, please reach out to wfgrs@oregonstate.edu.
Attend a Workshop
Workshop details coming soon!
Closing Speaker
Details coming soon!
The Organizers
The event is co-organized by graduate students in the College of Forestry and the College of Agricultural Sciences.
Peavy Forest Science Center
3100 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97333
United States